Challenge Camerounais Event (CC Event)
More than just a game
Open Air
In addition to sports activities such as football, the Open Air Festival is one of the biggest attractions of the Challenge Camerounais.
Kids Programm
& Entertainment
A children’s entertainment is also offered. The children will have the opportunity to be entertained by different artists and various attractions.
Solidarity & Charity
In an attempt to assist poor children or orphans in Cameroon, the CC e.V. wants to be a reference within the Cameroonian community in carrying out social activities abroad.
Disco Night
At the end of the first day of the CC event, one of the highlights takes place: the Disco Night. The programme allows the numerous participants to enjoy a variety of musical styles (both Cameroonian and international) and renowned artists or artists to amuse.
The CC event started in 1992 with just one football tournament. Over the years, handball, athletics and basketball have been added. The sporting event remains the core activity and calls every year, the event generates wonderful emotions in the participants and visitors.
Business &
Social Forum
The objective of this event, which was mainly dedicated to sport from the beginning, has been complemented over the years by the growing interest and ever greater rush in cultural aspects.